Tensor Research

About Us

Shared concern about preserving the viability of our planet for future generations is changing the regulatory and business landscapes at an unprecedented pace. Businesses are uniquely capable of innovating at the speed required to meet these mounting challenges, but it is a lot to deal with, even for those organizations that already have all their data and business processes in full alignment.

The purpose of Tensor Research is to make it easier for businesses to pursue the opportunities of Clean Capitalism by laying solid technology foundations for integrated financial and sustainability data management, scenario planning, and reporting. We help you close the gaps between your Finance, Sustainability and Information Technology (IT) teams to achieve your goals by taking an incremental approach that builds on technology investments you have already made.

A.G. Tan, MBA, MSc


A.G. (Ann-Grete) has 20+ years of consulting experience architecting and developing FP&A1 Solutions for companies ranging from the mid-market to the Fortune 100. She sees ESG2 and sustainability reporting as a natural extension of FP&A, that can be supported by many of the same technologies.

Zsolt Badics PhD

Founder & Principal

Zsolt is a research scientist and engineer who has published over a hundred peer-reviewed publications in power engineering and computer simulation-related topics. At Tensor he focuses on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and carbon accounting as natural entry-points to ESG and sustainability reporting.

1 Financial Planning & Analysis

2 Environmental, Social & Governance